Clarity Software develops software for UNIX workstations that take care of everyday tasks of creating and distributing documents. But by using embedded object technology and patented interoperability code, Clarity goes far beyond standard "office software".

Clarity Software truly has Extraordinary Software for Ordinary Tasks.

Products: Rapport Pro, Compatibility Server - Support - Company Info - What's New Special Offers!

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Clarity Rapport

The Rapport family of office communication software products allows combining different kinds of information into a single document that can be printed, e-mailed, or projected as slides. Rapport Pro lets you create a document with its built-in word processor, spreadsheet, drawing package, image capture, and audio recording capability. Or assemble information from other applications with automatic data conversion. Documents sent through electronic mail are automatically converted to each recipient's preferred application formats, even on non-UNIX platforms. Expand Rapport Pro's communication capability with the optional RapportFax, which allows faxes to be sent or received as a natural extension of electronic mail. Or add RapportForms to add special form design and fill-in capabilities to Rapport Pro's composition features to create complex electronic forms.

Clarity Compatibility Server

The Compatibility Server overcomes all the problems of sending documents through electronic mail among users with dissimilar environments. It intercepts electronic mail transarently as it goes from sender to receiver, and transforms the message according to each receiver's operating system conventions for file identification (resource fork, "dot" extension), mail system requirements, and preferred application formats. So everyone's electronic mail looks to the receiver as though it were send by someone with an identical computing environment ... even though it wasn't.

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Date last updated: October 18, 1995